9 Ways to Protect Yourself in Cold Temperatures

While some love staying home and cozy during the cooler months, some of us like going out to exercise, perform an ice skating routine, go on a ski trip, or simply play with snow or give life to Frosty the Snowman. Whatever the activity, it’s important that we protect ourselves.

Here are some tips to stay warm and safe this winter:

  • Drink and drink - Wait… Don’t get too excited about this one. Drink lots of fluids, but no alcohol please! You may think that alcohol heats you up, but it’s actually the complete opposite. Alcohol lowers your body temperature so it’s a way better idea to drink lots of water and some nice warm soups. As reviewed by Steven Dowshen, MD, this will help you stay hydrated because outside in the cold and breathing hard, you lose a lot of your body's water through your breath.” You need to recover all this lost water.

  • Keep clothes dry - When your clothes are wet, your body loses heat more quickly than when they’re dry. So if you’re going to be outside and there are chances you may get even a little wet (though rain, snow or even dew), wear waterproof clothes. Also, if you’ve got long hair, make sure to dry it up if you wash it. Here’s where the “don’t go outside with your hair wet” saying really applies. If your clothes get wet in any way (even through sweat), make sure to have some spare clothes to change them as soon as you can.

  • Cover up - Your body loses heat through your skin. So when your skin is exposed to outside air, you can lose heat more quickly than if it’s covered. Make sure to cover your head, ears, hands, mouth, feet, and of course your chest and back. Besides a jacket, it’s a great idea to wear scarves, facemasks, earmuffs, vests, and/or gloves. They’re always pretty helpful. Do your hands get really cold even when you’ve got gloves on? You may want to try some heated gloves. They’ll adapt to all your temperature needs.

  • Move around - If you feel extremely cold, heat up your body a bit by moving around to stay warm. Standing still will only make you feel colder.  

  • Take it slow: Move around but don’t get exhausted. Exhaustion is one of the variants that will increase your chances of getting hypothermia. If you feel tired or dizzy take it easy and give yourself some time to rest. Go inside.

  • Take a break: If you find yourself shivering this may be a sign that your body temperature is beginning to drop. It’s an alarm your body releases to warn you of potential danger. Go inside as soon as possible to stay warm.  

  • Loosen up - Did you know that if you wear clothes that are too tight you’ll feel colder than with clothes that aren’t as tight? When clothes are loose they’ll help you trap body heat. The good news is that you don’t have to be super tight to be in style. Loosen up your style a little. How about a stylish Heated Parka or a hoodie?

  • Eat well - Besides hot soups and drinks, there are also some foods that can help you stay warm this winter. Try these suggested by Skymet weather: turmeric, ginger, honey, cinnamon, sesame, dry fruits,saffron, pepper, and eggs.

  • Layer up- When you’re outside during winter you’ll probably need all your layers on, but when you go inside your car or other places it may get too warm to have them all on. It’s important that you have different layers of clothes so you can better adapt to your temperature needs. You can do that, or if you don’t like carrying so many clothes around, you can try a heated jacket instead! These jackets help you stay warm and cozy, and at the same time they’re very practical.They’re trending right now!

  • So, after all the discussions about cold temperatures and getting sick, grandmas were always right about jackets and wet hair. Let’s not forget to listen to them and let’s stay warm and cozy this winter. And let’s enjoy the most wonderful time of the year!

    Where can I get heated apparel?

    ORORO is trending right now. It’s the perfect gift for everyone!

    Take a glance here:


    Bonus: Extra Winter Tips

    So, does winter make us more prone to getting a colds? Although cold seasons are not the cause of colds, they do make us more prone to getting a cold. Let’s take care:

    1. Cold climates make us want to stay closer to others and cuddle. More contact = more virus spread. During the cold season we come closer to other human beings and spend more time in closed spaces. This makes it easier for viruses to spread.

    Solution: Wash your hands more often and if you’re sick cover your mouth and nose to prevent spreading the virus (remember not to sneeze on your hands).

    1. Winter climate = Dry air = More virus spread. Dry air can also increase our chances of getting a cold. During winter months indoor relative humidity levels decrease in some regions. When humidity levels are below 30% it’s easier for germs to spread more easily. According to Mercola, over time, exposure to low humidity can dry out and inflame the mucous membrane lining your respiratory tract. When this natural barrier is no longer working properly, it increases your risk of colds, the flu, and other infections.”  

    Solution: If you have very low humidity levels at home, get a humidifier to maintain humidity levels between 30% and 55%.

    Have a happy winter!


    Use information at your own risk:  The information presented is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical or home improvement advice. The information and suggestions should be discussed with a professional.  You are responsible for independently verifying the information if you intend to rely upon or use it in any way. You use all information at your own risk.

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