Choosing Your Back-To-School Necessities with ORORO’s Help

back to college

It’s that time of year again, and campus is calling! Whether you’re a freshman attending university for the first time, a senior saying goodbye to college life, or a parent shopping for back to school clothes, ORORO has you covered for when the weather gets cold.

There’s nothing quite like the hustle and bustle of college life. People from all sorts of cultures and backgrounds sit next to each other in class, spend time with each other in clubs, and play together in team sports. Lifelong friendships are built, and a world of knowledge is at your fingertips. The list of things to do is seemingly endless, but, when winter rolls around, those activities can be limited, especially if you attend college in northern states.

But never fear! There are ways to enjoy the cold and never miss out on a school football game or mid-semester adventures. All you have to do is be prepared, and we’ll show you how. But first, we have a couple of great tips to share about how to pick and choose what to bring with you to school!

The Moving Out Checklist 

There are tons of things you need to bring to college (regardless of whether you’re living in a dorm or off campus), but it’s nothing you need to stress about! Honestly, a quick trip to Target or Walmart will almost have you completely covered. Sheets, bedding, bathroom accessories, clothes, decorations, a printer, a computer, some snacks, and you’re pretty much set!

After you’ve packed the necessities, move on to the fun stuff: clothing and decorations! Remember, you probably won’t need to bring all of your stuff (or buy a bunch of new stuff), so you’ll need to narrow it down to what you need and to what fits in a suitcase. 

How to Choose What to Bring

When choosing what to bring, always start with what you need and then move on to what you want. Do you need a heated vest or jacket? Yes! Do you need five different sweatshirts? Probably not. Depending on where you’re going to school, you’ll definitely want to take the weather into account when deciding what you should bring. You probably wouldn’t need many long sleeve shirts if you were moving to Florida, but you definitely would if you were moving to Wisconsin!

When deciding what you want to bring, consider the Marie Kondo rule: Does this spark joy? If so, then yes! Bring it! If you’re finding that too many things spark joy, try narrowing it down with this rule: is it necessary for happiness? If you feel sad about leaving something behind, take it with you! Remember, whatever you don’t bring with you will still be waiting for you at home when you get back.

If these rules don’t help narrow down your choices, you can always fall back on the classic coin flip; tails you bring it, heads it stays!

back to college

First Day of School Outfit

Now that you’ve packed all of your things, what else could you possibly need? A first day of school outfit of course! Everyone has their own style, and if you haven’t found yours yet, well, now is a great time to find it! Finding your style is simple. What fits well, and what do you look good in? That’s it, that’s your style! Wear whatever makes you happy (and comfortable).

We’ve gathered a few recommendations for what we think is a great first day look, especially for those attending college in colder climates. 

  1. The Classic Heated Vest

This vest is the go-to outfit for those who want to look stylish. This vest pairs perfectly with turtlenecks, sweaters, plaids, long sleeve shirts—just about everything, actually! The layered look is always a classic, plus, you won’t have to worry about those cold classrooms. These vests have 3 different heating options, so you won’t be too cold or too hot!

  1. The Heated Fleece Jacket

This is the perfect first day outfit for those who are laid back. If you want to go to class feeling comfortable, then this jacket is 100% the final touch for your outfit. With several color options to choose from, it may be difficult to make a choice as to which one you want! Always fall back on your style; which colors look best on you and/or which color is your favorite? You’ll be warm regardless of what you choose! Like the vest, this jacket also has 3 heat settings, so you’ll always be at the perfect temperature.

We hope this back to school guide has been helpful! When you’re taking selfies on campus, be sure to tag us in your post. We love to see what our amazing customers are up to!

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